Jun 17Liked by Leslie Thompson

Oh your words! I got super emotional over this entire thing. The honor you give these two legendary vocalists is due them, without a doubt. Losing their voices in this world is tragic. The way you ask the questions I’ve often wondered is very familiar (as someone whose fills my days with other people’s singing) because I don’t know how to live without music. However, I also long to have an iota of talent in this area so that I can sing aloud - without shame or fear of distracting others - able to follow along a line of melody for the joy of praising God. I have literally prayed that in heaven with a new and perfect body, that long-awaited ability to sing “Worthy, worthy” will be on pitch and incredibly flawless as I worship, hoping it to finally be without my normal cracks and lack of range; not for any personal notice or glory, but just to honor Him with something that is beautiful and given by Him. If He makes all things new, surely it’s not much to ask!

By the way, your “Edelweiss” is superb. One of those sweet white blooms will be part of a tattoo I’m planning. Thank you so much for a great beginning to Monday. ❤️

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Thank you for this, Jennifer So appreciate these thoughts.

Praises be for all things being made new. Enjoy the new tat :)

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